Tuesday, June 21, 2011

hello again! and hello to KITTIES!

Sorry for my absence the past few weeks. I was out of town for two weeks visiting family in Chicago and Cincinnati! I feel weird about saying I'm going on vacation on the internet (you never know!), which is why I didn't say anything at the time.  And two days after I got back home, I picked up my sweet little monster kitties! I've named them Sammy and Mouse, and I am totally obsessed with them and their crazy, cuddly ways.

I have loads of things to post, including lots of FOTDs from my trip and of course the inevitable vacation haul, but first I thought I'd share some pics of my new babies. :)  I'll be back tomorrow with one of the other posts, though!

Sammy (orange/white) and Mouse (black) their first day home

Sammy taking a nap on a pipe in the wall - no joke! 

Yeah, Sammy was pretty scared of all the new-ness the first day, and within two seconds of coming in the door, he found his way up a hole under the bathroom sink. He didn't come out for an hour, and I was flipping out! Imagine my surprise when I took a flash pic of my phone and saw he was just calmly napping on a pipe! You better believe I blocked the holes under the sink after this!

Sammy <3

Mouse <3

Sammy likes to sleep on me... (Pardon the PJs!!)

Making it hard to write up my June Favorites list... (they ARE my June Favorites list, I guess!)

Yup, definitely male!

Mouse has brown eyes - unusual for a black cat!

Sleeping on me again...

Mouse snuggling up to... a pink flamingo garden decoration?

I think Sammy has a crush on Karen @ makeupandbeautyblog.com

Okay, #endcrazycatladyrave. Back tomorrow with the usual stuff! Yay, I've missed you guys!

Thanks for reading!

<3 Jess


  1. Oooh! they are just too cute! I so want another kitten now. I think my cat needs a buddy.

  2. Awww they're so cute! Super cuddly! Crazy Sammy looks very comfy taking that nap.
    Congrats on your new babies! :)

  3. omg, they are sooo cute!!:)


  4. oh how extremely cute!!!!!!june favorite no doubt!!!

  5. Oh my goooosh!! They are too adorable!!!! hahah awww!!! So cute!! Cats will find ANYWHERE to snuggle in. My cat is actually pretty big, but he still manages to crawl into the smallest spaces to take a nap! So funny :)

  6. oh my goodness what dolls! you must be so smitten with them.

  7. oh my gosh!!! they are way too cute!! :D

  8. Ah they're so cute! I can't wait to see more pictures of them (and of your holiday haul) ^^

  9. Awww they are so cute. I loove ginger cats especially. Gorgeous.

  10. THEY ARE SO ADORABLE JESSICA! I AM SO JEALOUS!! Keep posting pictures, I need to live vicariously through you. I have family members that are allergic to cats so I can't have one :(

    ♥ Jessica

  11. Toooo adorable!! I love kitties!! <3

  12. Oh my goodness, they are so adorable! I can't believe the pipe picture =P

  13. Thanks everyone! They've really brought a lot of joy and laughter into my life. :D

    Limey - I'm editing my haul post right now - it'll be up in a few minutes! ;)

    Jessica - I'm allergic too! haha I've been taking Allegra and using Alaway eyedrops. Suck it, allergies! ;)

  14. awww i need cats!! like yesterday =[ if only i didn't break out into hives when they touch me =[
